
Strolling along Kowloon Walled City Park


3 hours sound walk | 2014

As part of the Kowloon City Urban Renewal Learning Network activity, artist Lo Chi Kit and Sin Yu Tsang led a sound walk in Kowloon City. The sound walk lasted for three hours. Participants had to keep a distance from each other,  and to remain silence during the walk, including lunch time in restaurants. Besides, they had to eat slowly during lunch time. The whole process was about learning to be slow in such a 'noisy', fast paced city, take the initiative of their own lifestyle, appreciate and enjoy those they disliked formerly. What we claimed to be noisy could be transformed to life symphony.

遊走九龍城的井田間,我們穿越一間又一間的泰國餐廳、火鍋店、甜品鋪、水果店,會巧遇打冷美食、豆品店和茶餐廳,充斥滿街的食市更夾雜着地盆、按摩中心、車房、香燭店、雜貨店、寵物店、牙纖樓 …… 擦身而過的是食客、侍應、售貨員、苦力、街坊鄰里、消費者,他們的走路、說話、勞動、叫賣、執勤時發出的聲音高高低低,時而吵鬧,時而呢喃,配上地盆打樁的轟隆聲、車子的響鈴聲、泰國餐廳傳出的歌曲聲,可以是煩囂嗓音,亦可以是生活樂章。

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